Almo Nature Salmon Canned Cat Food is made with all natural, safe ingredients, including fresh-caught salmon from the open sea. Almo Nature stays true to a cat's natural diet in the wild by creating high protein options that provide many beneficial minerals and vitamins to your cat. Their simple formulas include very few ingredients and they have left out all by-products and supplements to ensure that your cat is getting the healthiest diet possible. This is a nourishing and delicious meal that's sure to appeal to your companion's inner wild cat. Crafted with HQS (High Quality Sourced) ingredients that were originally fit for human consumption and repurposed for use in pet food only.
Product Features:
Salmon 76%, Water Sufficient for Processing 24%
EAN code699184010051
- Brand
- Product TypeCat Food
- Food TypeWet Food
- Food TextureBits in Broth
- FlavourSalmon
- Specialty DietGrain Free, High Protein, Limited Ingredient
- LifestageAll Lifestages
- WeightLess than 5 lbs